So many things wrong with being cooped up and locked down but as they say, necessity is the mother of invention and so it is. We at the Wine Club have embraced Zoom, a word that was something to do with rockets until a few weeks ago and now we have Zoom meetings, and now we all know what is meant by this. At this n[meeting and by courtesy of Zoom we have a morning meeting with Lee, a very able and altogether lovely man from New Zealand. Lee and his partner have now a young son, just two years old he was able to say hello to us all from the other side of the world, just terrific. We have to say a very biog thanks to you to Lee, you gave a great talk about the qualities of wine and this before his breakages and while we could enjoy wine tastings. Specifically he asked us to compare a 'good' wine , a more expensive wine to or a more 'run on the mill' wine but from the same area for comparison. This we did and enjoyed to know more now of the telling points of comparison.
We were able to record most of the talk, this you will be able to access via the link in the email to this Blog.
So rather than this writer detailing the evening I suggest you hit the link and hear and see the man in action.
In addition to the talk we also had a very good but stupendously tricky quiz. Martin Marias thank you, it put us all into serious concentration mode and was just great.
Sadly this was not recorded.