Sunday, 4 October 2020

 English Wines of some quality.

Its so good to be member of a Wine Club with members that will step up and take on tasks that are not easy.  Why would I say this, well the subject in question is English wines. Maybe you will be aware of the fact that the production of English Wine has increased by 75% in six years, that there are now over 500 vineyards in England.  That our, soon to be called English Champagne has won major awards.  All true but also the feeling that these  wines  expensive and not always such great tasting wines which maybe,  do not represent great value.   

So how would anyone like to talk on the subject and throw some well needed light on the matter. Our speaker, our own Wine Club member Terry Glossop was that very man.  He gave a very comprehensive talk and went a long way to put to rest some of the possible unconscious bias of the members, (I for one) hold. 

We we walked through the recent history of wine production in the UK. Let's be honest we are a very long way North to compete with areas of the world which boast 300 days of sunshine, and sunshine is needed to make the sugars to produce the grapes suitable to produce first class wines. But then we now have the possible curse of the 21st century, climate change, the South of`England is now able to produce grapes on a regular basis that do have the sugars and maturity dates needed to produce good wines.  What is emerging is also the ability to have consistent and very good quality effervescent wines. It seems post Brexit we can  call such wines English Champagne.  Little surprise then that Tattinger are making wines, sparkling wines in the UK, other Champagne houses have a record of something similar in other parts of the world so its interesting to see the UK  has now joined that list of options.

So of the wines, on Zoom we were able to talk about the wines we were tasting and what we thought of them - generally we thought them fine, with thought then on the expensive side but also  somewhat surprising, typical comments were, 'Well I'm surprised, yes this is a good wine, a distinctive wine but a fine glass...'.  would people buy again, maybe is the answer, that the price point of the wines are against some stiff competition from many famous and good wines .  That said the one wine that was well received was the Three Chires Wine (Majestic) and also the fizz from our local vineyard at Brightwell, the 'English Champagne'  was said to be quite exceptional.

Terry a big thanks and thanks to all participants, the Wine Club continues and does so because of the collaborative work of all involved.

Terry noted a number of English wines with prices and availabilities.

Three Choirs White -- Offer price £11 from Majestic.
Balfour Chardonnay Ortega 2019-- Price £13 from Marks & Spencer
Woodchester Culver Hill -- Price £13.99 from Eynsham Cellars
Brightwell Pinot Noir -- Price £15.49 from Eynsham Cellars
Blackbook Chardonnay Clayhill Essex 2018 -- Price £19 from 
Simpsons The Roman Road Chardonnay, Kent--Price £27 from

We hope to be able to offer something approaching a social evening at our usual date -in later November, this we will need to circulate when the have further plans confirmed and will be emailing in due course.  
