Wednesday, 6 February 2013

February 1st 2013.

The Freeland and Hanborough Wine Club......

The Wine Club has now been in existence for 12 months and our first meeting for 2013 was on the first of February. 

It was great to see an enthusiastic and large number of wine lovers assembled to hear of and enjoy a tasting based on Spanish wines.

The wines were researched  and presented by Adrian Baughan, our thanks go to Adrian for providing a collection of both white and red wines which confirmed most members views that Spanish Wines are not just good but exceptional. 

The whites were excellent,  with the first wine (Montenovo 2011,  Valdesil) was made with the Godello grape, a variety very few had heard of, proved to be one of the most popular wines of the evening. 

The second,  (Caixas Albarino 2011 – Martin Codax Rias Baixas) was also good but for some not quite as good as our starter white.

Two fine Rioja wines followed, the 2007 Crianza and the 2004 Grand Reserva from the Bodegus Murail. Both well up to the usual great standard of Rioja wines.
Two more reds were enjoyed the Emilio Moro 2009 Ribera del Duero. All three reds were from the Temprilio grape unlike our last wine the wine of unknown quality but turned out to be a worthwhile ‘glugger’, the Pizzaras de Otero 2011, Bierzo, this from the Mencia grape.

Mention should also be made of the sublime Mystery Wine, a high priced wine but one which was a delight to drink, oddly made with the grape, almost all of which is grown in Austria but in fact the wine came from NZ, not a surprise that no one was able to work out the country of origin or its grape. But if you want a special wine than this may be the one to look to, and the name…Saint Clair Pioneer block, Gruner Veitliner 2011.
The Witney branch of Majestic Wine Warehouse supplied all wines.
The cheeses for the night were organised, and very well organised by Ita Woodnorth,  and came from The Oxford Cheese Company of the Covered Market in Oxford.
The first, a sultry coloured goats cheese from the very center of France was a perfect match for the Spanish White wine it was matched with.
The balance of the cheeses were: “Selles-sur-Cher”, “Ribblesdale Mature Goats Cheese”, Saint-Nectaire”, “Tome de Laguiole”, “Lincolnshire Poacher’, “Hereford Hop”
They all were exceptional, enjoyed and matched the wines well. 

The date of the next Wine Club is confirmed as being MARCH 22.  The wines will all be from Northern Italy. 

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