Saturday, 8 August 2020

 An evening like no other

What a night, humidity you could cut with a knife and sadly only a few faces on the Zoom meeting, what a shame as this meeting turned out to be just terrific, and why was that?

Well the format was not the usual, we had three speakers, three members offering what to them were  wines that meant something more than just the wine.  For this we thank our speakers, Marilyn, Bill, and Bob.

Marilyn told of memorable holidays and visits to South Africa, giving memories of tasting a stunning Chardonnay on the vineyard in Stellenbosch, and then the holiday in the South of France,Provence and a luscious Rosé.  Bill tells of a white cote de Rhone, almost as rare as hen's teeth and a good looking Cote de Bourge, with Bob offering us a Spanish Ganash alongside an English white wine.

All the wines are noted below, and are available to buy.  

Bill was telling us of the vineyard B&B that the had stayed in when on holiday in the Bordeaux region and tasted the wine at the vineyard and of the family making the wines.  Marilyn of the trip to Provence, enjoying the wine while looking out over the wonderful Cote d'Azure. and Bob's childhood being spent next to the Woodchester Vineyard near Stroud, shades to Cider with Rosie here!

Sadly your Blogwriter failed in not recording the evening which turned out to be concluded with a quiz, this was wonderfully eccentric with the questions not always being understood or in the correct order. The result was a relaxed and enjoyable quiz the points gained being le ss important than taking part. Something that were always told as a child, it's the taking part that matters, last night this was the case.  To the Quizmasters, husband and wife team, David and Mary, a big thanks you. 

The wines:


  • Maison Castel, Cotes de Provence 2019 Rose.  (On discount at Wairose)

Eynsham Cellars

  • Lanzerac Chardonnay white wine from Stellenbosch.  Winemaker: Wynard Lategan.  Origin: jonkershook Valley.  Winery: Lanzerac Wine Estate,
    South Africa.  
  • Tres Picos, Borsao, Garnacha

  • Woodchester Valley, Culver Hill 

Wine Society

  • Caractere 2017 by Chateau de la Grave from the Cote de Bourg (right bank) bordeux.

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